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Grades 3 to 5 - Learn the Properties of Matter (ES-PS1.A-3) and (5-PS1.A-3)

Grade 5 to 6 - 6.RP.A.1: Understand Ratio Concept and Language

Grade 3 to 5 - Generate Patterns Using a Given Rule and Analyze (4.OA.C.5)

Grade 3 to 5 - Learn Gravitational Force (5-PS2.B-3)

Grade 3 to 5 - Understanding Equivalent Fractions (3.NF.A.3.A)

Grade 3 to 5 - Fluently Add or Subtract within 1000 (3.NBT.A.2)

Grade 5 to 8 - PS4.B: Electromagnetic Radiation - 3 Wave Model of Light

Grades 6 to 8 - Forces and Motion - Newton’s Third Law (Equal and Opposite Reactions) (PS2.A)

Grade 6 to 8 - Solve Unit Rate Problems (6.RP.A.3.B)

Grade 3 to 5 - Create Line Plots with Fractional Values to Solve Problems (4.MD.B.4)

Grade 6 to 8 - PS1.B: Chemical Reactions – 2 Conservation of Atoms and Mass in Chemical Reactions

Grade 6 to 8 - PS1.B: Chemical Reactions – 1a Chemical Reactions: Arrangements of Atoms

Grade K to 2 - Word Problems within 20 with Three Whole Numbers (1.OA.A.2: )

Grades 6 to 8 - ESS3.D: Global Climate Change – 1b The Greenhouse Effect

Grade 6 to 8 - Long Division (6.NS.B.2)

Grade 3 to 5 - Fossil Evidence (3-LS4.A-2 )

Grade 6 to 8 - The History of Planet Earth / The Fossil Record and Superposition (ESS1.C)

Grade 3 to 5 - Understanding Addition and Subtraction of Fractions (4.NF.B.3.A)

Grade 6 - 6.G.A.4: Represent 3-D Figures Using Nets

Grade 3 to 5 - Organism Traits and Environment (3-LS3.A-1)

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